Multi Faith Prayer Room (2022)

Multi Faith Prayer Room is a black box of wishes and hopes, a cross-disciplinary project that collects todays utopian ideas and future desires from people and transforms them into a polyphony of inclusivity. At the center of MFPR is a data base made up of pre-recorded statements by people from all cultural contexts – encompassing nationalities, genders, and ages.
By entering the Multi Faith Prayer Room, one can listen to their voices and become inspired by the multitudes of approaches how to face the 21st century after having endured lockdowns and an unprecedented pandemic. The ever-expanding audiovisual installation consists of 120 voices from around the world talking about faith, rituals and future providing an intimate insight into the momentary state of the human mind in 2023, in ambisonic sound.

The first instalment of Multi Faith Prayer Room took place during Art Basel Miami 2023 in collaboration with Robot Heart Foundation


  • Multi Faith Prayer Room